The Art of Doing Nothing
 _A critical appraisal of the as-is scenario

I have been employed lately in the exclusive task of 'nothing currently'. That takes a lot. Its a serious task in hand. It pressurizes your pressure points, it develops your unskilled skills to build interests in any things. It is not easy,  it takes a deep understanding to understand the intense phenomenon of uselessness. It brings in your analytical abilities for assessing the critical situation of your judgement to choose the invariable and numerous tasks that can be foreseen in the  days of your 'nothing currently' period. I have been pretty busy  lately in the task of doing nothing. It has been fruitful . The most important is to understand where this task is to be carried on. Home..? nah..its too obvious this would be boring. The most important is when you are tied to a desk and a chair office. Certainly you develop an innate taste to all types of green teas (our place is full of many types) cold...11 am tea...12.30 tea and post lunch tea...Lunch ha yes lunch .. lunch  seemed never so satisfying..Felt like ..I believe I can fly..I believe i can touch the sky... ! Upto last minute.and then zooomm back to the seat..we  are tied up on the feet. 
Then you have several moods. Oh please..its about the work, You have work based moods. Sometimes you get in discussion on the latest urban issues..then you criticize then you laugh...and suddenly you feel that in this huge world of the high category, 'very busy' and intellectual society of the yes-boss can find your space. Whoosh another hour gone. Then one hour of constant googling..opening cognitive political and social online magazines...trying to show the people coming in your work zone as you are busy researching. The googling never upsets you, never lets you down. Gosh ..bless the internet ..!. It takes times to excel. With a right approach it adds to your portfolio. I am thinking to write it down in my to useful nothing. But then the company also needs you for your set of other 'not so important' works that you did in 'not so important' world..yet company needs you..and you need the mutual benefit to explore the world of 'not so nothing'. Its an art and I am trying to reach its expertise...the role models are all around the place...Its just need an eye to speculate! Hence it can be analysed to reach perfection in the art of doing nothing, it takes a little bit of exploration, investigations, ideology and role models. Wish you best for yours... :)
